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"Grow larger than your current challenges"



🔗 Book en livsforandrende konsultasjon med Johannes. I over 13 år har han hjulpet mennesker løse alt fra enkle til svært kompliserte problemstillinger i livet. Ingen utfordring er for stor, og ingen situasjon er uløselig.  

«På bildet under kan du se hva jeg kan benyttes til!!»



Johannes tilbyr  inspirerende foredrag som kombinerer visdom, vitenskap, filosofi, humor og praktiske verktøy. Med en solid faglig kompetanse, skreddersyr Johannes engasjerende presentasjoner til en bred kundegruppe. Kan bookes til både korte presentasjoner og heldagsseminar.

«Se gjennom bildet under eller mine podcast episoder for tips til hva jeg holder foredrag om!»

Transform your inner life with "The Inside Job"!!
11-12 May 2024

The Inside Job" is a life-changing two-day seminar, specially designed to help you break through whatever is holding you back from living a healthy, fulfilling, resourceful, and meaningful life. 


Meet Dr Johannes

🎓Background: Discover your potential and mastery with the help of Johannes Ørbeck-Nilssen's knowledge, wisdom & experience. "With a background as a physician, mentor, lecturer, philosopher, and independent interdisciplinary researcher, I have dedicated the past 20 years to an extensive study of over 30 different fields to understand how people can live healthy, fulfilling, resourceful, and meaningful lives."

🌐 Broad experience, Practical tools: "With over 13 years of coaching experience I have helped I have assisted people of all ages with everything from everyday challenges to complex life issues and mental illness" JJohannes' diverse experience allows him to easily understand your situation and help you break through the challenges you face. Lectures and seminars are enriched with everyday examples and practical tools, making complex knowledge accessible and applicable to all.".

Listen to Dr Johannes Podcast - Your key to a healthy, fulfilling, resourceful and meaningful life

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